Thursday, September 6, 2012

Potatoes With Character

This was our first year growing potatoes.  Love it!  It's such a joy to just go out and dig up some extremely fresh spuds!  We've enjoyed fresh Yukon Gold, Reds, & Russet potatoes.  Yes, we are a potato family!  Hubby loves a meat and potato dinner with a salad or other vegetable.  What's been fun with the taters is the Russets.  They can sure have some character.  Some look like animals and other figures and some look like they just landed on earth from outer space.  There are two potatoes in the above picture....yes.....two!  They have many other potatoes growing off of them! Cutting them up is an odd ball activity for sure!  I have to cut all the small potatoes off first to find the main potato and then I can just slice them all up for whatever I'm wiping up.  Oh how we love a good tater! LOL :)  

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