Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Green & Brown Eggs

My small flock of 7 chickens has grown to around 24.  If they'd hold still, I'd get a better count. LOL  Try telling a chicken to be still when you want her to be, is like asking a 3 year old to play the quiet game!
Anyway, we added a bunch of new hens early last spring and they are starting to lay.  Many of the are Araucanas/Americanas.  The hens are also known as,  "Easter Egg Chicken".  They lay green/blue eggs which is always fun for the kids to see and me too!  It adds a little spice to our normal brown eggs. These new hens of ours don't just lay green/blue eggs, they have a fun look to their faces to which always makes me smile.  I call it, "Fluff".  They have "fluff" on their cheeks and its so cute.  Here's a picture of this bread of chicken.  Funny huh!  I really enjoy watching my hens and collecting their eggs every day.  It's like Christmas everyday!  You open the door to the nest boxes and you never know what you're going to find!  Cluck Cluck!!

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