Monday, September 17, 2012

Nuts & Love

Life is nuts you know.  Sometimes the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree but sometimes it does.  Friday our kids surprised us by popping in for the weekend!  It was the most wonderful surprise! They are moving back here in a week but getting to spend time with them unexpectedly was the best!  They always make me smile!  They've been through some tough times lately and it's hurts me as a Mother to imagine why anybody would want to hurt them.  I'm so proud of them and they will make it through this and be stronger and wiser because of it.  I'm excited for the future with my family.  I'm also excited to see how they walk their own path and learn from the past and from the ones that came before them.  Just because a person has come from a rocky road doesn't mean they have to continue on with that same path.  Sometimes they need to mow down the grass and walk a new path.  Sometimes an acorn doesn't fall far from the tree but sometimes it falls and then bounces around till it finds it's own feet and then runs like hell to a new road to travel.  The nuts in the picture above fell from the tree in our front yard.  We found them while chatting with the kids Friday after they arrived.  Funny how a couple of nuts can make you think. :)  

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